Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Amazon announces the Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)

One of the questions people ask when being offered a Peoplesoft in the Cloud service is: How will you make sure this is safe and will follow corporate security policies?

One of the main reasons most enterprises would not want to put their sensitive HR/Financials data out there in the great fuzzy thing-a-ma-jiggy called "The Cloud" is because of the perception (right or wrong) that somehow this wouldn't follow the architectural guidelines established by a given IT organization (and the business sponsors thereof.)

This is also because most Peoplesoft Customers would only go so far as to consider putting a "trial/vanilla" instance in the cloud fearing that putting copies of actual data may expose the organization to risk.

And these concerns are not limited just to ERP Peoplesoft customers, they extend to most other large corporate entities. Keeping this in mind, it was only a matter of time before Amazon, being the industry leaders that they are in this space, came out with the next offering in their cloud portfolio.

Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) lets you create your own logically isolated set of Amazon EC2 instances and connect it to your existing network using an IPsec VPN connection. This new offering lets you take advantage of the low cost and flexibility of AWS while leveraging the investment you have already made in your IT infrastructure.

More at the AWS Blog: Introducing Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)

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