Friday, October 2, 2009

Larry Ellison Loses his #*$# and bashes "Cloud Computing"

Larry Ellison on the origins of Oracle, Acquisition of Sun, Linux vs. Solaris and Cloud Computing ... Things were going real well until asked about Cloud Computing and then just immense amounts of hilarity ensued.

Though I gotta say, one has to agree with him at a certain level, but I think he's missing the point like IBM's of the world missed the point of the little PC's appearing under people's desks in the late 70's.

The whole thing is well worth watching but this bit is just too precious! It was so funny to watch him being calm and composed and then just lose it all of a sudden! It made my day!

NOTE: The embed doesn't seem to be working, but it is Chapter 11 (What a coincidence!) in the program sequence.